Yes, three (3) detailed geotechnical and soil investigations have been conducted on this site specifically to address the question around potential redevelopment. The first investigation was carried out by Golder and Associates, and 2 additional soil investigations were performed by GeoPacific Consultants. All three of the reports have been submitted to the City of Port Moody, who retained Levelton Consultants Ltd. to perform an independent peer review of the geotechnical reports. The conclusions reached by all three firms are the same:
- There is nothing on this site that would preclude the development in its current proposed form. In fact, from a geotechnical aspect, the site can support structures that are much larger and more complex then we have proposed.
- All of the issues regarding liquefaction, fill material, and earth quake hazards have been addressed and are very manageable with sound well proven methods of geotechnical and structural engineering & design.
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