For over 5 years, we reached out to the residents of Port Moody for consultation. During this time, Port Moody residents gave us tremendous advice, feedback and comments about our application. On June 12th, 2018, we reached a major milestone. Port Moody City Council amended the Official Community Plan to allow the Flavelle Oceanfront District master community plan to move forward to the next steps of zoning approval. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in the site tours, attended open houses, and spoke at council to lend support for Port Moody’s oceanfront community. We also applaud the leadership and vision of Mayor Mike Clay, Port Moody City Council, and the hard-working Port Moody City staff for their due diligence in navigating the application through the Metro Vancouver approval process. We are grateful to the Metro Vancouver Board of Directors for their unanimous support of our application. Together we have created a vision that is truly made in Port Moody.