Please Join Us
Flavelle Oceanfront Development would like to invite you to a City of Port Moody public open house for the Flavelle property.
In June, Flavelle Oceanfront Development hosted their first open house and submitted an Official Community Plan Amendment application to the City of Port Moody for the Flavelle property to change its designation from industrial to a mixed use-oceanfront land use.
The City of Port Moody is hosting a public open house to present the results from our pre-application engagement, our vision for the property, and our preliminary land use plan. Members of the Flavelle Oceanfront Development project team will be in attendance to help answer questions.
Come share your ideas and feedback with the City and our project team on January 7th, 2016, between 6:00pm and 9:00pm at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive.
For more information please visit the Flavelle Oceanfront Development website at, or contact:
Blaire Chisholm, Brook Pooni Associates
604-731-9053 x 104